Current news is available at, Equine Guelph's online learning platform for practical, quick learning. Given the vast amount of information on horse health and welfare, Equine Guelph has archived its past news articles from 2002-2020. They are listed below, along with a search function available to find specific healthcare topics.

Countdown for EquiMania! 2006 Begins!August 2005

Youth who love horses, prepare for EquiMania!
The Youth Challenge returns to Can-Am Equine Expo 2006

nce again Equine Guelph is gearing up for the second annual EquiMania! Challenge at the Can-Am Equine Expo, the largest education and trade show event in Ontario, at the Agriplex, London, Ontario, March 16-19, 2006. The EquiMania! Quiz Challenge will be held on Saturday, March 18, 2006. This event is aimed at youth promoting horse health and safety.

"We were delighted with response and support received for our first EquiMania! Challenge and look forward to making the second even bigger and better at the Can-Am Equine Expo 2006." said Gayle Ecker, Senior Manager. "Our goal is to encourage youth to become interested in horses, through learning about health, disease prevention and management in a fun and interactive environment."

The inaugural EquiMania! Challenge was such a tremendous success with over 220 participants that EquiMania! has hit the road with a new interactive, educational centre. Visit the System Equine Family Area at Woodbine Racetrack every weekend in July and August and enjoy the display area. The EquiMania! educational centre will also be featured at this year's Ontario Equestrian Conference Sunday November 27. Visit our EquiMania! Youth website for more information on these and other upcoming events.

Through its educational programs, Equine Guelph promotes horse health and well-being. Youth interested in learning more about horses and their proper care are encouraged to visit the >EquiMania! website, often as new items are added on a regular basis. Other education programs in place for adults are the multi-award winning Equine Science Certificate Program and the newly launched Industry Skills Program for new grooms.