Current news is available at, Equine Guelph's online learning platform for practical, quick learning. Given the vast amount of information on horse health and welfare, Equine Guelph has archived its past news articles from 2002-2020. They are listed below, along with a search function available to find specific healthcare topics.

EHV-1 AdvisoryJanuary 2012

Veterinary Update - Animal Health and Welfare Branch/Office of the Chief Veterinarian for Ontario, Ontario Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Rural Affairs

Biosecurity Update - January 19, 2012

Confirmed Case of Equine Herpes Myeloencephalopathy in Southern Ontario The Ontario Ministry of Agriculture Food and Rural Affairs (OMAFRA) has been notified of a confirmed case of Equine Herpes Myeloencephalopathy (EHM), caused by equine herpes virus 1 (EHV-1), in Southern Ontario. A blood sample from a horse with severe neurological signs tested positive for EHV-1 in early January. The horse was euthanized after its condition deteriorated. On a second farm in the same area, another horse with similar signs was euthanized in late December. No samples were collected from that horse.

For full story - press release