Biosecurity Risk Calculator Healthcare Tool

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Welcome to the Equine Biosecurity Risk Calculator. The Calculator is an educational resource of Equine Guelph (University of Guelph) developed in partnership with Colorado State University and the American Association of Equine Practitioners. This tool provides information on equine health, infectious disease and infectious disease control.
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Is Your Farm at Risk?

Complete this questionnaire and find out how your farm rates. You will also learn ways to improve the areas that are at risk.

The survey takes approximately 10 minutes to complete. Please choose the answer(s) that best reflects your farm.

BIO Security Risk calculator launch button
Information presented is for educational purposes only. It should not be used for the diagnosis or
management of disease, and should never replace information from your veterinarian.
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Featured Resources

Biosecurity eWorkshop icon Protect Your Horse From Infectious Diseases with our Biosecurity Short Course. A great training program for you and your staff.
(button) THE BASICS OF INFECTION CONTROL The Basics of Infection Control This unique 'whiteboard video'
is all about the basics and answers: What are the differences
between bacteria and viruses? How are they spread? What can
you do to prevent them?
Horse head icon Infection Control Resources Learn what Training Centres
and Racetracks are using
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Additional Resources:

WEB Resources:
Internet icon Equine Biosecurity Policies & Best Practices
Guide (Alberta Equestrian Federation)
Internet icon Horse Management and Biosecurity Check
Diploma icon Equine Guelph Education Programs Tools icon Vaccination Equi-Planner Tool
Internet icon FAAST - Antimicrobial Stewardship in the Ontario Equine Industry blog icon Worms and Germs Blog (information on equine infectious disease)
Internet icon FAAST Antimicrobial Stewardship in Neonatal Management for Farmed Animal Species- NEW  
MEDIA Resources:
YouTube icon Infection Disease Control tips for Horse Farms - Dr. Scott Weese YouTube icon Fecal Collection How-to Video
PDF Resources:
PDF Icon Biosecurity - Access Management PDF Icon Facility Design with Biosecurity in Mind
PDF Icon Biosecurity - Cleaning Infosheet PDF Icon Farm specific Biosecurity Plan
PDF icon Biosecurity Education and Training PDF Icon Horse Events: Biosecurity guidelines for organizers and competitors
PDF Icon Biosecurity - Hand Hygiene Infosheet PDF Icon Horse Health Check
PDF Icon Biosecurity - If your horse is sick Infosheet PDF Icon Horse Health Check (diagram)
PDF Icon Biosecurity - Traveling Horse Infosheet PDF Icon Horse Owners Info Sheet
PDF Icon Biosecurity - When & How to Isolate PDF Icon National Farm-level Biosecurity Standard
PDF Icon Equine Biosecurity Poster    
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Equine Guelph thanks:

Dr. Josie Traub-Dargatz and Dr. Alanna Kirby, Colorado State University, for providing content
and Dr. Scott Weese, Ontario Veterinary College, for reviewing content
the American Association of Equine Practitioners Foundation (AAEP Foundation) for their support.